Weekly Podcast Data Amid the Coronavirus Crisis - Update through May 3, 2020

  • The week of April 27 - May 3 was flat for downloads while up 2% for audience compared to the previous week.     

  • Weekly downloads since the first week of January are up 25% and weekly audience is up 8% through the week ending May 3, 2020 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. 

Podtrac measures thousands of podcast publishers and podcasts, including those listed on our monthly rankings, and over a billion downloads and streams a month. Each week during the coronavirus shutdown we’re keeping everyone up to date with weekly summaries of download and audience data across all the shows we measure  This is our seventh consecutive weekly update.  

Visit Podtrac.com for even more podcast data including: Top Podcasts by Category, Top Podcasts and Top Publisher rankings.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download and Audience Growth

Download growth since the first week of January is up 25% and audience growth is up 8% through the week ending May 3, 2020 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. 

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download and Audience Growth

U.S. weekly podcast download growth was:  0% (unchanged) the week April 27 - May 3, +4% the week April 20-26, -1% the week of April 13-19, -3% the week of April 6-12, -1% the week of March 30 - April 5, -4% the week of March 23-29, -2% the week of March 16-22, -1% the week of March 9-15, and +2% the week of March 2-8 across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  

U.S. weekly podcast audience growth was:  +2% the week April 27 - May 3, +2% the week of April 20-26, 0% (unchanged) the week of April 13-19, -4% the week of April 6-12, +1% the week of March 30 - April 5, -5% the week of March 23-29, -8% the week of March 16-22, -2% the week of March 9-15, and +4% the week of March 2-8 across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  

Monthly Podcast Download Growth - Top 10 Publishers

On a monthly basis, U.S. downloads for 16 of the Top 20 Publishers listed on Podtrac’s March Publisher Rankings were flat or higher for the month of March vs. February, even with the weekly downward trend which began the week of March 9-15.  

  • Among the top 5 publishers, average U.S. monthly downloads per publisher were 110.6 million for March which was up 18% from February.

  • Among the top 10 publishers, average U.S. monthly downloads per publisher were 71.4 million for March which was up 12% from February.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download Growth for Top Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, download growth year-to-date for top podcast categories is: +68% for News, +33% Comedy, +17% for Sports, +11% for Business, and -8% Society & Culture through the week ending May 4. Monthly US Audience and Global Download data is available for over 500 top podcasts in Podtrac’s Top Podcasts by Category rankings.

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download Growth for Top Categories

For Podtrac measured shows downloads week-over-week for the week April 27 - May 3 compared to the week April 20-26 for top podcast categories are: -1% for News, +5% Comedy, -2% for Sports, -3% for Business, and -1% Society & Culture.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download Growth for All Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, download growth year-to-date by category through the week April 27 - May 3 is: +68% for News, +33% for Comedy, +33% for History, +28% for Government, 

+22% for TV & Film, +19% for Kids & Family, +17% for Sports, +15% for Science, +13% for Technology, +11% for Business, +11% for True Crime, +5% for Health & Fitness, +4% for Religion & Spirituality, +2% for Arts, +2% for Leisure, -2% for Fiction, -8% for Society & Culture, -10% for Education, -23% for Music. 

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download Growth for All Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, category downloads week-over-week for the week April 27 - May 3 compared to the week April 20-26 are:  -1% for News, +5% for Comedy, -7% for History, -8% for Government, +3% for TV & Film, 0% for Kids & Family, -2% for Sports, +6% for Science, -2% for Technology, -3% for Business, +6% for True Crime, -1% for Health & Fitness, -4% for Religion & Spirituality, -1% for Arts, +3% for Leisure, -3% for Fiction, -1% for Society & Culture, +3% for Education, +1% for Music. 

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Audience Growth for Top Categories

Weekly category audience year-to-date for top podcast categories for the week April 27 - May 3 is:  +23% for News, +21% Comedy, -3% for Sports, -1% for Business, and -7% Society & Culture.

Week-by-Week:  U.S. Hourly Distribution - Weekday Commute & Weekends  

Podcast streams and downloads during peak weekday morning commute times were down an average of 24% for the week of April 27 - May 3 compared to the week of March 2-8 across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  On Saturday May 2 the peak hour was up 12%, and for Sunday May 3 the peak hour was up 18%.

Weekly Podcast Data Amid the Coronavirus Crisis - Update through April 26, 2020

  • The week of April 20-26 was positive for both download growth (+4%) and audience growth (+2%) compared to the previous week.  This is the first week both measures were positive since the week of March 2-8.    

  • Weekly downloads since the first week of January are up 25% and weekly audience is up 6% through the week ending April 26, 2020 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. 

Podtrac measures thousands of podcast publishers and podcasts, including those listed on our monthly rankings, and over a billion downloads and streams a month. Each week during the coronavirus shutdown we’re keeping everyone up to date with weekly summaries of download and audience data across all the shows we measure  This is our sixth consecutive weekly update.  

Visit Podtrac.com for even more podcast data including:Top 30 Podcasts by Category, Top 20 Podcasts and Top 20 Publishers.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download and Audience Growth

Download growth since the first week of January is up 25% and audience growth is up 6% through the week ending April 26, 2020 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. 

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download and Audience Growth

U.S. weekly podcast download growth was:  +4% the week April 20-26, -1% the week of April 13-19, -3% the week of April 6-12, -1% the week of March 30 - April 5, -4% the week of March 23-29, -2% the week of March 16-22, -1% the week of March 9-15, and +2% the week of March 2-8 across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  

U.S. weekly podcast audience growth was:  +2% the week of April 20-26, 0% (unchanged) the week of April 13-19, -4% the week of April 6-12, +1% the week of March 30 - April 5, -5% the week of March 23-29, -8% the week of March 16-22, -2% the week of March 9-15, and +4% the week of March 2-8 across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  

Monthly Podcast Download Growth - Top 10 Publishers

On a monthly basis, U.S. downloads for 16 of the Top 20 Publishers listed on the Podtrac’s March Publisher Rankings were flat or higher for the month of March vs. February, even with the weekly downward trend which began the week of March 9-15.  

  • Among the top 5 publishers, average U.S. monthly downloads per publisher were 110.6 million for March which was up 18% from February.

  • Among the top 10 publishers, average U.S. monthly downloads per publisher were 71.4 million for March which was up 12% from February.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download Growth for Top Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, download growth year-to-date for top podcast categories is: +69% for News, +27% Comedy, +18% for Sports, +15% for Business, and -7% Society & Culture through the week ending April 26.

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download Growth for Top Categories

For Podtrac measured shows downloads week-over-week for the week April 20-26 compared to the week April 13-19 for top podcast categories are: +8% for News, +6% Comedy, +10% for Sports, -5% for Business, and -12% Society & Culture.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download Growth for All Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, download growth year-to-date by category through the week April 20-26 is: +69% for News, +43% for History, +39% for Government, +27% for Comedy, +20% for Kids & Family, +18% for Sports, +18% for TV & Film, +16% for Technology, +15% for Business, +8% for Religion & Spirituality, +8% for Science, +6% for Health & Fitness, +4% for True Crime, +3% for Arts, +1% for Fiction, -1% for Leisure, -7% for Society & Culture, -12% for Education, -24% for Music. 

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download Growth for All Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, category downloads week-over-week for the week April 20-26 compared to the week April 13-19 are:  

+8% for News, +28% for History, +4% for Government, +6% for Comedy, -2% for Kids & Family, +10% for Sports, +4% for TV & Film, +9% for Technology, -5% for Business, +5% for Religion & Spirituality, -1% for Science, -1% for Health & Fitness, +40% for True Crime, -2% for Arts, +5% for Fiction, -1% for Leisure, -12% for Society & Culture, -1% for Education, -8% for Music.  

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Audience Growth for Top Categories

Weekly category audience year-to-date for top podcast categories for the week April 20-26 is:  +25% for News, +9% Comedy, -3% for Sports, +4% for Business, and -8% Society & Culture.

Week-by-Week:  U.S. Hourly Distribution - Weekday Commute & Weekends  

Podcast streams and downloads during peak weekday morning commute times were down an average of 23% for the week of April 20-26 compared to the week of March 2-8 across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  On Saturday April 25 the peak hour was up 16%, and for Sunday April 26 the peak hour was up 22%.

Top Podcasts by Category - March 2020

The March 2020 Top Podcasts by Category Ranking is now available at Podtrac.com.

Highlights from the March Top Podcasts by Category ranking of Podtrac measured podcasts by US audience in 19 Categories:

  • The March ranking covers 545 shows from 184 different publishers

  • iHeartRadio has the most shows (78) across the most categories (16)

  • NPR has the most #1 shows across categories (8)

  • Kids & Family is the category with the most shows showing positive audience growth in March over February (14 of 30)

  • Religion & Spirituality and TV tied for the most shows losing audiences in March from February (26 out of 30)

  • News has the largest average US audience across its top 5 shows at 5.9 million 

  • The Top 5 Categories ranked by average audience of the top 5 shows in the category are: News, Society & Culture, Comedy, Arts and Business.

Excerpt from March News Category Ranking (visit Podtrac.com to learn how to access all data)

The Top Podcasts by Category Ranking is based on US Unique Monthly audience as measured by Podtrac’s IAB 2.0 certified compliant measurement system for 19 podcast categories. For each show listed, the ranking provides US monthly audience, month-over-month and year-over year growth in US audience, and monthly global downloads.

The ranking provides a valuable resource to keep you up to date with changes in the most popular podcasts by category, is updated monthly and is available at Podtrac.com.

Weekly Podcast Data Amid the Coronavirus Crisis - Update through April 19, 2020

  • The week of April 13-19 was flat for download and audience growth compared to the previous week.  The week of March 2-8 continues to be the peak week for downloads and audience for 2020 for Podtrac measured shows.   

  • Weekly downloads since the first week of January (year-to-date) are up 20% and weekly audience is up 4% through the week ending April 19, 2020 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. 

  • Weekday commute times are down, while the peak podcast download hour for Saturday April 18 was up 9%, and the peak hour for Sunday April 19 was up 20%.

  • On a monthly basis, total downloads for 16 of the Top 20 Publishers listed on the Podtrac’s March Publisher Rankings were flat or higher for the month of March vs. February.  

Podtrac measures thousands of podcast publishers and podcasts, including those listed on our monthly rankings, and over a billion downloads and streams a month. Each week during the coronavirus shutdown, we’re keeping everyone up to date with weekly summaries of download and audience data across all the shows we measure.  

Visit Podtrac.com for even more podcast data including: Top Podcasts by Category, Top Podcasts and Top Publisher rankings.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download and Audience Growth

Download growth since the first week of January is up 20% and audience growth is up 4% through the week ending April 19, 2020 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. 

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download and Audience Growth

U.S. weekly podcast download growth was:  -1% the week of April 13-19, -3% the week of April 6-12, -1% the week of March 30 - April 5, -4% the week of March 23-29, -2% the week of March 16-22, and -1% during the week of March 9-15, across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  

U.S. weekly podcast audience growth was:  0% (unchanged) the week of April 13-19, -4% the week of April 6-12, +1% the week of March 30 - April 5, -5% the week of March 23-29, -8% the week of March 16-22, and -2% the week of March 9-15, across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  

Monthly Podcast Download Growth - Top 10 Publishers

On a monthly basis, U.S. downloads for 16 of the Top 20 Publishers listed on the Podtrac’s March Publisher Rankings were flat or higher for the month of March vs. February, even with the weekly downward trend which began the week of March 9-15.  

  • Among the top 5 publishers, average U.S. monthly downloads per publisher were 110.6 million for March which was up 18% from February.

  • Among the top 10 publishers, average U.S. monthly downloads per publisher were 71.4 million for March which was up 12% from February.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download Growth for Top Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, download growth year-to-date for top podcast categories is: +57% for News, +20% for Business, +20% Comedy, +8% for Sports, and 6% Society & Culture through the week ending April 19.

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download Growth for Top Categories

For Podtrac measured shows downloads week-over-week for the week April 13-19 compared to the week April 6-12 for top podcast categories are: -1% for News, -2% for Business, -4% for Comedy, +5% for Sports, -3% for Society & Culture.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download Growth for All Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, download growth year-to-date by category through the week April 13-19 is: +57% for News, +33% for Government, +22% for Kids & Family, +20% for Business, +20% for Comedy, +13% for TV & Film, +12% for History, +9% for Science, +8% for Sports, +7% for Health & Fitness, +6% for Technology,  +6% for Society & Culture, +5% for Arts, +4% for Religion & Spirituality, 0% for Leisure, -4% for Fiction, -11% for Education, -18% for Music, -26% for True Crime. 

 Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download Growth for All Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, category downloads week-over-week for the week April 13-19 compared to the week April 6-12 are:  -1% for News, 0% for Government, +4% for Kids & Family, -2% for Business, -4% for Comedy, -8% for TV & Film, +6% for History, -10% for Science, +5% for Sports, +3% for Health & Fitness, 0% (unchanged) for Technology,  -3% for Society & Culture, +4% for Arts, -3% for Religion & Spirituality, -3% for Leisure, +35% for Fiction, 0% (unchanged) for Education, -3% for Music, -18% for True Crime. 

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Audience Growth for Top Categories

Weekly category audience year-to-date for top podcast categories for the week April 13-19 is:  +21% for News, +9% for Business, +5% Comedy, -10% for Sports, +2% for Society & Culture.

Week-by-Week:  U.S. Hourly Distribution - Weekday Commute & Weekends  

Podcast streams and downloads during peak weekday morning commute times were down an average of 29% for the week of April 13-19 compared to the week of March 2-8 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. On Saturday April 18 the peak hour was up 9%, and for Sunday April 19 the peak hour was up 20%.

Visit Podtrac.com for more podcast data including: Top Podcasts by Category, Top Podcasts and Top Publisher rankings.

Weekly Podcast Data Amid the Coronavirus Crisis - Update through April 12, 2020

  • The week of March 2-8 continues to be the peak week for downloads and audience for 2020 for Podtrac measured shows.  This was followed by a downward trend through the week of April 6-12.

  • On a monthly basis, total downloads for 16 of the Top 20 Publishers listed on Podtrac’s March Publisher Rankings were flat or higher for the month of March vs. February.  Average U.S. downloads for the top 10 Podcast Publishers were up 12% over February.  

Podtrac measures thousands of podcast publishers and podcasts, including those listed on our monthly Publisher, Podcast and Category rankings, and over a billion downloads and streams a month. Each week during the coronavirus shutdown we’re keeping everyone up to date with weekly summaries of download and audience data across all the shows we measure.  

Last week, we added an hourly distribution chart that shows behavioral impacts during commute times and the weekend.  This week we add a chart that shows average monthly download growth across the Top 10 Podcast Publishers per Podtrac’s monthly rankings.   

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download and Audience Growth

Download growth since the first week of January is up 21% and audience growth is up 4% through the week ending April 12, 2020 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. 

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download and Audience Growth

U.S. weekly podcast download growth was:  -3% the week of April 6-12, -1% the week of March 30 - April 5, -4% the week of March 23-29, -2% the week of March 16-22, and -1% during the week of March 9-15, across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  

U.S. weekly podcast audience growth was:  -4% the week of April 6-12, +1% the week of March 30 - April 5, -5% the week of March 23-29, -8% the week of March 16-22, and -2% the week of March 9-15, across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  

Monthly Podcast Download Growth - Top 10 Publishers

On a monthly basis, U.S. downloads for 16 of the Top 20 Publishers listed on Podtrac’s March Publisher Rankings were flat or higher for the month of March vs. February, even with the weekly downward trend which began the week of March 9-15.  

  • Among the top 5 publishers, average U.S. monthly downloads per publisher were 110.6 million for March which was up 18% from February.

  • Among the top 10 publishers, average U.S. monthly downloads per publisher were 71.4 million for March which was up 12% from February.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download Growth for Top Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, download growth year-to-date for top podcast categories is: +59% for News, +25% for Comedy, +22% for Business, +9% for Society & Culture, and +2% for Sports through the week ending April 12.

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download Growth for Top Categories

For Podtrac measured shows downloads week-over-week for the week April 6-12 compared to the week March 30 - April 5 for top podcast categories are: -4% for News, -4% for Comedy, +3% for Business, 0% (flat) for Society & Culture, and -4% for Sports.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download Growth for All Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, download growth year-to-date by category through the week April 6-12 is: +59% for News, +33% for Government, +25% for Comedy, +23% for TV & Film, +22% for Business, +21% for Science, +17% for Kids & Family, +9% for Society & Culture, +7% for Religion & Spirituality, +7% for Technology, +6% for History, +4% for Health & Fitness, +3% for Leisure, +2% for Sports, +1% for Arts, -9% for True Crime, -12% for Education, -15% for Music, -29% for Fiction.

 Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download Growth for All Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, category downloads week-over-week for the week April 6-12 compared to the week March 30 - April 5 are:  -4% for News, +6% for Government, -4% for Comedy, 0% for TV & Film, +3% for Business, +4% for Science, -1% for Kids & Family, 0% for Society & Culture, 0% for Religion & Spirituality, +5% for Technology, -10% for History, -2% for Health & Fitness, -6% for Leisure, -4% for Sports, -4% for Arts, +4% for True Crime, 0% for Education, -8% for Music, -10% for Fiction.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Audience Growth for Top Categories

Weekly category audience year-to-date for top podcast categories for the week April 6-12 is:  +20% for News, +9% Comedy, +6% for Business, +5% for Society & Culture, -14% for Sports.

Week-by-Week:  U.S. Hourly Distribution - Weekday Commute & Weekends  

Podcast streams and downloads during peak weekday morning commute times were down an average of 26% for the week of April 6-12 compared to the week of March 2-8 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. On Saturday April 11 the peak was up 13%, and for Sunday April 12 (Easter) the peak was up 8%.

Top 20 Podcasts: March 2020

Podtrac's ranking of the Top 20 Podcasts based on U.S. Unique Monthly Audience for March 2020 is now available at Podtrac.com.

For even more podcast data, check out Podtrac’s Podcast Audience Category Rankings.

*With the increasing popularity of shows which publish multiple times a day, beginning in December 2019, we now include theses shows in the Podtrac Top Podcast ranking. Previously these shows were excluded. While the counts for these shows are IAB V2 compliant, it should be noted that a segment of their audience members may listen to these shows from multiple locations throughout the day and present themselves technically as multiple unique users.

Visit Podtrac.com to sign-up to receive monthly updates to Podtrac's Top 20 Podcasts and Top 20 Podcast Publishers ranking reports.

Top Podcasts by Category Now Available from Podtrac

Understanding which of Podtrac’s measured podcasts are the most popular by content category and keeping track of that over time has been a challenge... until now.  

Podtrac’s new Podcast Audience Category Rankings provides current data on top shows measured by Podtrac in each of 19 topic categories -- delivered to your in-box each month.

Check out the sample ranking below and visit Podtrac.com to learn how to access the actual data for all 19 category rankings.

Weekly Podcast Data Amid the Coronavirus Crisis - Update through April 5, 2020

  • Weekly podcast downloads and audiences have trended down since March 9th.  Last week’s data indicates this may be leveling off.  

  • Overall growth in downloads and audiences is still positive year-to-date.

  • Hourly data shows reduced downloads during commute hours and an increase on the weekend.

Lots of people have questions about what’s happening in podcasting as the COVID-19 crisis unfolds.  Podtrac measures thousands of podcast publishers and podcasts, including those listed on our monthly rankings, and over a billion downloads and streams a month, so each week we’ll keep everyone up to date with weekly summaries of download and audience data across all the shows we measure.  

Last week we added charts for 19 podcast categories based on questions we received the previous week.  This week we add an hourly distribution chart that shows behavioral impacts during commute times and the weekend.  

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download and Audience Growth

Download growth since the first week of January is up 24% and audience growth is up 9% through the week ending April 5, 2020 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. 

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download and Audience Growth

U.S. weekly podcast downloads decreased 1% the week of March 30- April 5, 4% the week of March 23-29, 2% the week of March 16-22, and 1% during the week of March 9 -15, across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  

U.S. weekly podcast audiences increased 1% the week of March 30- April 5, and decreased 5% the week of March 23-29, 8% the week of March 16-22, and 2% the week of March 9-15, across all Podtrac measured podcasts.  

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download Growth for Top Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, download growth year-to-date for top podcast categories is: +66% for News, +30% for Comedy, +19% for Business, +9% for Society & Culture, and +7% for Sports through the week ending April 5.

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download Growth for Top Categories

For Podtrac measured shows downloads week-over-week for the week of March 30- April 5 compared to the week of March 23-29 for top podcast categories are: -1% for News, +1% for Comedy, -14% for Business, +3% for Society & Culture, and -1% for Sports.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Download Growth for All Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, download growth year-to-date by category through the week of March 30- April 5 is: +66% for News, +30% for Comedy, +25% for Government, +22% for TV & Film, +19% for Business, +18% for Kids & Family, +17% for History, +17% for Science, +9% for Society & Culture, +9% for Leisure, +7% for Religion & Spirituality, +7% for Sports, +6% for Health & Fitness, +5% for Arts, +2% for Technology, +6% for Health & Fitness, +5% for Arts, +2% for Technology, -7% for Music, -12% for Education, -12% for True Crime, -20% for Fiction.

Week-Over-Week U.S. Podcast Download Growth for All Categories

For Podtrac measured shows, category downloads week-over-week for the week of March 30- April 5 compared to the week of March 23-29 are:  -1% for News, +1% for Comedy, -4% for Government, +20% for TV & Film, -14% for Business, -5% for Kids & Family, +9% for History, -8% for Science, +3% for Society & Culture, +2% for Leisure, +2% for Religion & Spirituality, -1% for Sports, 0% for Health & Fitness, -1% for Arts, 0% for Technology, -5% for Music, 0% for Education, -4% for True Crime, +18% for Fiction.

Year-To-Date U.S. Weekly Podcast Audience Growth for Top Categories

Weekly category audience year-to-date for top podcast categories through the week of March 30- April 5 is:  +26% for News, +18% Comedy, +4% for Business, +6% for Society & Culture, -7% for Sports.

Week-by-Week:  U.S. Hourly Distribution - Weekday Commute & Weekends  

Podcast streams and downloads during peak weekday morning commute times are down an average of 23% for the week of March 30- April 5, 2020 compared to the week of March 2 -8 across all Podtrac measured podcasts. On weekends, the peak for Saturday is up 12% and the peak for Sunday is up 20%.

March 2020- Top Podcast Publishers

The Top Podcast Publishers ranking for March 2020 is now available at Podtrac.com.

Highlights of the ranking include:

  • This month we expand the ranking to the Top 20 publishers and welcome first time participants: WarnerMedia(#10), Fox News Radio (#18), and Slate (#20) along with returning participants American Public Media (#17) and WBUR (#20).

  • US UMA for five of the top 20 are either up or flat for March over February with the largest increases coming from newcomers WarnerMedia (41%) and FoxNews(15%) - both buoyed by topical news coverage.

  • Sixteen of the Top 20 were up or flat for March over February in regards to Downloads.

  • The average Unique Monthly Audience for the top 10 publishers decreased by 4% from February while it increased by 33% from March of 2019.

  • Global Unique Streams & Downloads increased for the top 10 publishers by 12% over February and by 28% over March 2020.

Note: As of April 2019, Global Downloads and Streams reflect updates to Podtrac’s measurement algorithm and are not directly comparable to months prior to April 2019. Unique Monthly Audience numbers were not impacted by this update.