September 2019- Top Podcast Publishers - Podtrac

September 2019- Top Podcast Publishers

The Top 10 Podcast Publishers ranking for September 2019 is now available at

Highlights of the ranking include:

  • For September, 6 of the Top 10 Publishers saw increases in US Unique Monthly Audience (led by New York Times at 8%) while 3 saw decreases and Kast Media joined the ranking for the first time at #10.

  • Average US Unique Monthly Audience across the Top 10 publishers is up 1% in September over August and up 64% from September of 2018.

Note: As of April 2019, Global Downloads and Streams reflect updates to Podtrac’s measurement algorithm and are not directly comparable to months prior to April 2019. Unique Monthly Audience numbers were not impacted by this update.